Information sur la Ressource

Getty virtual collection Icon: new yeah

Type:   Images
   Catalogue de Musée
Description:   The Getty Research Portal is an online platform providing global access to digitized art history texts. The Portal is comprised of catalog records that link to full, digitized texts hosted by the contributing institutions or their service providers.
The Getty Research Portal provides access to digitized resources for the printed literature of art, including fundamental texts, rare books, exhibition catalogues, auction catalogues, and related literature. As the Portal's contributions grow, its scope will widen to include more texts about non-Western art.
Couverture:   In March 2011, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation funded a two-day meeting at the Getty Research Institute to explore the scope and services of a proposed union catalog of digitized texts. The Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA) in Paris hosted a second meeting in October 2011. Staff members from the Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library at Columbia University, the Frick Art Reference Library, the Getty Research Institute, the Heidelberg University Library, and the Institut national d'his
Category/Subcategory:   Liste complète /
   + Histoire de l'Art /